Max - Because we've been awarded the "Paw"some Blog award by our lovely blog friend Nala...

Max - I know, I've been telling EVERYONE all about it today, I can't keep it to myself! [Note from female human - Max HAS been particularly woofy today, now I know why....!]
JD - This award is presented to those dog bloggers out there who know the meaning of GREATNESS. Their blogs are consistently interesting, funny, or informative. Their KINDNESS is extended to others without expectation of it's return, and their FRIENDSHIP inspires others to do EXTRAORDINARY things. These are the blogs you can't wait to read everyday. In short, they are AWE-INSPIRING, full of wonder, and simply PAWsome!
Max - You see now WHY I'm so excited about this?!!
JD - Exactly!! To accept this award you must paw it forward to at least 4 others who you feel exemplify a "Paw"some Blog, and leave a note saying why you think they deserve the Pawsome Award!
Max - So - in no particular order - our nominations are....
Sasha - we love your blog! You are the prettiest Schnauzer we have ever seen and we think your writing style is absolutely superb, it is original and incredibly funny, you always have our humans in stitches (which, after being in stitches ourselves after our op, we feel is only right and just!) We always eagerly await your blog updates and simply can not get enough of Pup-alicious! (PS - we apologise if we're inundating you with awards but as you know we're both hopelessly in love with you and simply want to know all there is to know about you!!)
The Daily Oskar
Oskar - wise and brave Oskar, he really is a cool Schnauzer who can always be guaranteed to make us giggle. He is wise and handsome beyond words and his Mom type person is a very skilled photographer. To read Oskar's blog is a sheer delight and one that should be shared with as many people as possible!
The 'Splorin' Wolfies
Two gentle giants, Saige and Guinness, their posts truly are a joy to behold. Few words and incredible pictures make for one unbelievably impressive blog that will have you (just like us) wishing and hoping for daily updates!
The Schnauzer Blog
Fatty, Stephy and Ally share the writing credits for this fun blog - they NEVER argue about who's going to write the next blog or who is the cutest.......he he he! These three have to be some of the happiest doggies we've EVER seen, the photos really are great and they share their Malaysian lifestyles in a very exciting fashion with all their readers. We wish we could visit them in the fur!
Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle
Possibly one of THE cutest doggies we have EVER seen! His blog is really sweet - one visit and you will be completely in love! And this is evidenced by the HUGE amount of awards that he has already been presented with - so here's another very well deserved one winging its way over to you Eduardo!
Sasha - we love your blog! You are the prettiest Schnauzer we have ever seen and we think your writing style is absolutely superb, it is original and incredibly funny, you always have our humans in stitches (which, after being in stitches ourselves after our op, we feel is only right and just!) We always eagerly await your blog updates and simply can not get enough of Pup-alicious! (PS - we apologise if we're inundating you with awards but as you know we're both hopelessly in love with you and simply want to know all there is to know about you!!)
The Daily Oskar
Oskar - wise and brave Oskar, he really is a cool Schnauzer who can always be guaranteed to make us giggle. He is wise and handsome beyond words and his Mom type person is a very skilled photographer. To read Oskar's blog is a sheer delight and one that should be shared with as many people as possible!
The 'Splorin' Wolfies
Two gentle giants, Saige and Guinness, their posts truly are a joy to behold. Few words and incredible pictures make for one unbelievably impressive blog that will have you (just like us) wishing and hoping for daily updates!
The Schnauzer Blog
Fatty, Stephy and Ally share the writing credits for this fun blog - they NEVER argue about who's going to write the next blog or who is the cutest.......he he he! These three have to be some of the happiest doggies we've EVER seen, the photos really are great and they share their Malaysian lifestyles in a very exciting fashion with all their readers. We wish we could visit them in the fur!
Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle
Possibly one of THE cutest doggies we have EVER seen! His blog is really sweet - one visit and you will be completely in love! And this is evidenced by the HUGE amount of awards that he has already been presented with - so here's another very well deserved one winging its way over to you Eduardo!
Both - Thanks Nala - you're the best!!
Thank you so much! I love your blog as well it's fantastic!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You 2 are just my favorite little (or big) english schnauzers.
I had my mom person read what you wrote back about elevenses. I'm pretty sure I should try it!
we agree with Eduardo and think your bloggy is fantastical! we are honored that you love our blog so much and gave us the award--mom says we won't be playing with awards just yet as she has to sneak the work computer :-O and has limited time -- especially with all the splorin we do! we are $aving up for our own computer, but it our stomachs on the line--so until then we have to be quick! can't wait to read what you monkeys are up to next! xoxoxo saige and guinny
Glad you liked your award! :) Good choices...I just visited some of them and will visit more later. :)
Congratulations!!! :)
How wonderful!! xx Scotty xx
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