Max - ....and from the second we ventured outside this morning....
JD - ....we started to soak up the atmospheric dampness! You see, us Schnauzers possess a genetically high fur-to-water-ratio-absorbency-factor and it is a heavy burden....

Max - That's right - our fur can seamlessly suck all the morning dew out of a field, simply by us strolling through through it! Having a low undercarriage means our overall suspension level doesn't help the situation either....
JD - This tragic affliction that we suffer from has turned our walkies into a bit of love/hate affair....
Max - it's like having a bath rudely thurst upon us EVERY SINGLE TIME we're out-and-about! I mean, there we are, quietly minding our own Schnauzerly-business...
JD - ....perhaps eating the odd stray tissue, barking sternly at people who we think look a bit odd or running after a delicious looking squirrel or pigeon - you know, the usual stuff - when 'BAM!' - suddenly and without any warning we're all wet!
Max - I tell you, it's simply not on! I mean - DAILY baths!! Seriously, there should be a law or something....!
JD - Sniff, sniff - um, Max old chap, sorry to say this, but you smell of damp dog.....
Max - [Highly indignant] Well so do you!!
Oh my goodness, you boys look SOOOO ADORABLE!!!
I have a real soft spot for Schnauzers, you know, coz my boyfriend, Ombre, is a Schnauzer! Well, he is a Standard Schnauzer so he is a bit bigger than you guys but still quite little compared to me! Not that it bothers him one bit - he is always bossing me around. He is very clever and always knows naughty ways to get around the humans. People always laugh coz I'm so much bigger but I always follow him around and do what he says! :) We met in puppy class and it was love at first sight! The best thing about Ombre is that he can play REALLY rough and just bounces off the tree/car/rock and comes back for more! :)
Honey the Great Dane
Ooh Honey, we'd happily be your boyfriends! You're so beautiful we bet you have a queue of potential suiters, so we've decided to take it as a personal compliment that you've chosen another Schnauzer to be your best fella. Lucky Ombre! We're glad you have a special Schnauzer to play with as a lady like yourself needs a smart breed (like us!) to ensure her every whim is catered for.
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