JD - As a tribute to the wonderful 'Splorin' Wolfies....
Max - ....our blog today is an homage to one of their previous posts!
JD - "For those of you who remember Sesame Street!" - he he he!
Max - We hope they don't mind us shamelessly borrowing (stealing!) their idea....
JD - ....we were simply inspired by them during our daily carrot munch - thanks wolfies!
WOWIE!!!!!!!!WE LOOOOOVE the letter M!!!!! you guys made a small letter m and we made the capital letter M!!!!!! do you guys think you can do the alphabet game too???????hehehe it wasn't as hard as we thought!
we LOVE it that you guys like our adventures--but we think you have some pretty kewl places to explore too--like that road where you met those weird looking yorkies? well, that looks like a pretty fun road to explore. we have a neat schnauzer post coming up next week that you two are going to get a big kick out of. in the meantime, we are going to steal one of your ideas and try to get a pic of mom wearing some wolfhound slippers!!!! thanks so much for the wonderful post! we certainly got a big kick !!!! love your blog-- xo Saige and Guinness--and janice
Great shot JD & Max. We love it.
Love Ruby & Penny
Tee hee, you guys make a great M.
I guess I could be an "I".
Ooh - what a cool idea!! I'm so big...if I was a bit more flexible, I could be a whole alphabet all by myself! Tee! Hee! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Ooh, Guinnes and Sage (and bi-ped Janet - he he!) we can't wait for the Schnauzer post. Glad you liked our M tribute. We're gonna think about doing an alphabet post, we've got a few ideas! Hey, we should maybe work on getting all our blog friends to pose as a letter of the alphabet and then upload a rather unique alphabet post to each of our blogs - tee hee! Oskar would make a VERY handsome i and Honey could probably do a few of the letters - she's more flexible than she gives herself credit for as she practises yoga! And Ruby and Penny would make the sweetest v or l or t ever, he he he!
Hi JD & Max...I just went to petswithblogs.blogspot.com...great place to catch up on our furry friends...thanks for the tip:) Hey, since you two are so busy butting heads...can I have that carrot?
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