Max - ....not to mention incredibly handsome....
JD - ....we find that everyone wants to be our friends!
Max - When we're out on our morning constitutionals we often meet up with Billy and Bobby....
JD - ....they're a couple of Yorkshire Terrier brothers. They're nine years old and they're great fun!
Max - They're quite tall for Yorkies - almost as tall as us! We're quite alike. Bobby is soppy and friendly with EVERYONE, just like JD....
JD - ....and Billy is a little more reserved and has nominated himself as the guard-dog out of the two of them, just like Max!
Max - We love it when the four of us share our morning walk.
JD - Then there's Otto - he's really cool!
Max - We like it when he comes round. He even came to visit us last Friday when we were feeling a bit sad and sorry for ourselves after our op and he perked us up no end!
JD - He's a miniature Daschund - he's one year old and is extremely independent.
Max - He was rehoused recently and he often goes to work with his new owner.
JD - He's a bit wary of humans (sensible doggie!) but is fine with dogs. He enjoys nosing around our toys and our bed and our cushions....
Max - ....we think he's great and we follow him around whenever he's here.
(Max - I love this photo as hey, I know I've had THE op but what do you think of my new MASSIVE crystal ball - he he he!)
Max - ....stoopid humans, he he he!
JD - 'our friends - part 2' will be coming to a blog near you very soon!
Max - Yup! There's Yoshi, and Caddie and Mollie and Jetty....
JD - we said we're incredibly popular - ha!
Since schnauzers are so naturally handsome & charming, you will make friends often.
It looks like fun to hang out with those guys.
Well, if you keep being so nice and friendly, you will certainly make more friends!
Gus and Waldo
That looks like an interesting walk...and you get to meet so many friends...
It looks like you have lots of fun with your friends :)
Big licks to you
Wow you are lucky to have some great furiends!! Most doggies aren't allowed to stop and say hi to us where we live. :( xx
I think I would fit right into your crowd of doggie friends...they might not even guess that I'm a cat!
Having good dog furiends is the BEST!!
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