Max - It's not right!
JD - It's very, very, WRONG!
[Comment from female human - it IS a shame that all dogs are banned from our beaches during the summer, just because a few people don't look after their pets it now means that we all have to go without. They're really going to miss it - that's why we took them there last weekend, so they could have one last, long enjoyable romp before the 5 month ban kicks in.]
Hi JD & Max
That is so sad. We hope you can find another place to walk that is just as fun.
Love Ruby & Penny
You are lucky that it's only a 5 months ban! Over here in Malaysia, we are not allowed to almost all places.
If only all owners learn how to pick up after their dogs, then we will have a better place for walks.
Anyway, I am sure you will have fun at other places too!
We iz soo sad dat woo iz not allowed on da beech! It iz a soopur fun playss to play, and it iz sad dat a fyoo bad ownurz make trubble fur da rest of us. :(
Gus and Waldo
Oh, poor Max & JD!! I agree - it is so unfair! Dogs are banned from the inner city beaches here in Auckland too during the summer - we're only allowed now in winter (after Easter until Labour Day in Oct) - but only before 10am or after 4pm. But if we drive out to the West Coast, away from the city, then dogs are allowed on certain beaches all the time. Thank goodness for that!
Hope you enjoyed your last beach visit...did you get any photos??
Honey the Great Dane
Hey guys. So sorry we has missed so many bloggies. We just read them all, they be great! Looks like you had a wonderful day at the beach before it closed for you, that is rubbish.
We also love having the pawrents home all day so we can play in the garden, although we do a bit more than just snoozing, being such important gundogs we is always chasing birds, butterflies, flies etc etc.
Thank you for your pawsome credit crunch and toy testing blogs, I feel very informed and I wills be putting both theories into practice this weekend.
Happy bank holiday guys, we hopes your pawrents have three days off like our mummy!! xx
Oh, dear, boys! That is so sad! We're just coming into winter here, so there's a lot more beaches I can go on - but there were already some I could go on in summer, early in the morning and in the evening.
And my mini daschund cousin, Muffin, showed me this really cool beach, it's a triangular spit of land with beach on two sides, and a sand bar for splashing around in the shallows, and then sand dunes all the way back to the fence - and it's a dog beach - specially for dogs! (humans can come too, if they behave themselves)
The next time we go there, I'm going to take some pictures so I can blog about it, it's great!
(Oh, whoops, sorry boys, didn't mean to rub it in...)
Puppy kisses
a 5 month ban from the beach??? those pictures look a little discriminatory towards a certain breed--don't you think???
That is a bummer. :( We went to the beach for vacation a few months back and I was appalled at how trashed the beach was because of people not picking up after their makes me very angry! It just ruins it for all of us. :(
we have a hot tip from Sasha about a dog beach that we're going to try if we can ever be bothred getting off the couch...
thanks for the visit JD & Max!
Love ya,
That's not right at all. A pox on their beach!
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