Max - Which obviously translates as - we are both incredibly handsome!!
JD - We're not being vain or anything, we're simply stating facts - he he he!
Max - However, it does mean that we have a standard to maintain....
JD - ....and sometimes - sigh! - we need a little help. We informed our humans a few days ago that we were feeling a little shaggy - I mean, LOOK at me!!

Max - I hear you JD! It's can be hard being such a fluffy puppy - I was starting to suffer from 'bed hair' after each snooze....

JD - We LOVE the groomers! We go to 'Clippers and Combs' and Sue and Tony take real good care of us....
Max - ....they fuss us and spoil us and tell us that we're handsome boys....
JD - Naturally!
Max - we really look forward to our visits there. In fact we run in without so much as a backward glance every time we go! Last time we got a new toy and loads of treats....
JD - ....and this time we ALSO got a new toy and loads of treats!
Max - We love Sue and Tony!
JD - Our human was organised enough to take some photos of us at the groomers yesterday. Here's a photo of us with Tony - he just about made the photo, he he he!

JD - I always ask him if I can have my beard cut like his as I like his goatee! We still haven't gone 'full schnauzer' yet as our humans keep on hanging back on that decision....
Max - ....they can't quite let go of us being puppies so at the moment ask for 'half schnauzer'!
JD - Maybe next time we'll manage to get the grown-up cut. Sigh, our humans need to realise that we're growing up....
Max - Here's a photo of JD telling me to sit down and look at the camera - he was so busy telling me what to do that he forgot to look at the camera himself, he he he!

Max - CHOMP!!

JD - So - that was our trip to the groomers. We were there for nearly 4 hours!
Max - That's because we enjoy it so much so we always ask if we can stay until it closes and Tony and Sue can never resist our pleas, they are putty in our paws - ha!
JD - The rest of the day we spent helping our humans tidy up the house and then we joined them in the car for a few hours as they had some chores to do. We got a quick walk every time we stopped - it was fun finding all these new places to sniff.
Max - We even got to eat our dinner 'al fresco!' - mmmmm!
JD - It was late when we got back home and we hadn't really had a chance to sleep all day! We were pretty tired!
Max - So today we're just kicking back....
You certainly are handsome boys with your new haircuts!
My human and I have decided that we're going to let my shorter hair grow longer over winter, so we will probably just go in for a face-and-bum next time. We're also going to ask for my furnishings to be trimmed down a bit, because I'm so short that I collect the wet off the grass, and then the dust off the ground and make my own special coat mud.
I just LOVE the two of you!! I need a better visual in my brain though of how big you really are. How much do you weigh? I weigh 16 pounds...which is pretty big for a cat! Believe me---it's all muscle (that's what I keep telling everyone when they try to ration my food). Love your new do's!
Have a great weekend!
Love ya,
Oh, this Sue and Tony seem really lovable! I wish our vets could be of such a breed!
Luna (and mommy Léia)
Your dogs are CUTTER as CUTE :)
Soooooooooo lovely written and many fantastic shots :)
Beautiful blogsite !!
purrss Kareltje =^.^=
greetz Anya
Oh, JD & Max, both of you are so handsome after your haircut!! I don't go to the groomer's now, my mummy does the job.
- Santa
mighty cool characters
JD & Max, we don't know how to thank you. We appreciate so much you helping us out! We don't know if we can live up to such high standards!
My hair is very long & my woozle almost out of hand, so my mom person says I will be getting my hair cut this week. I don't really enjoy it, but I know it's our responsibility as schnauzer to display our handsomness to it's fullest.
Looking very good, boys!
You are both sooper handsome!!
You might like reading about the mini schnauzer we have staying at our house right now! We just wrote about her on our blog!
Gus and Waldo
Hi guys!
I'm just stopping by to let you know that Scooby & Lady have set a date fur their wedding. Stop by my blog to see how to RSVP if you would like to attend.
Big licks to you
Oh my goodness, Max & JD - I thought you were cute before but now...!!! You look absolutely GORGEOUS in your new clips...and so grown-up and handsome! Your humans must be feeling so proud of you!!
Honey the Great Dane
what a fun post!
they are adorable no matter how long their hair is but it is nice to see their beautiful faces
i have to admit--you guys are pretty flippin cute--but i love both looks, shaggy and groomed! xoxox Saige, Guinness, and Janice
Looking good boys! Have I told you how much I LOVE Schnauzer eyebrows! :)
yep...HANDSOME is the word guys...
We are in a CLASS all our own aren't we???
Thanks for rompin by! and loved the story about how you two made such a difference in your Mom and Dad/persons life...great photos all over too!
Paws Up!
Hi guys-
I'm so happy I had a chance to look at your other postings cuz I'm getting my first professional grooming in a few weeks. Nellie said she'd print out your shots so I have pictures to show Vince when he comes over to beautify me.
I hope I turn out as handsome as the two of you!
puppy kisses...
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