Max - Firstly - we're everso excited because we actually came third in Scottie's naughty pup contest!

Max - Secondly, the funny, entertaining and excessively handsome Oskar is going on vacation shortly....

JD - ....and he's asked us if we'll do a guest blog or two whilst he's away.
Max - Wow!
JD - Double wow! We're so honoured!
Max - We're a bit nervous though - Oskar's blog is always brilliant, we hope we don't let him down!
JD - Please do pop over to read it over the next week to give us - and the other guest-bloggers - some support!
Max - Now - a few of you were very worried about us when we informed you that our local beach is now closed to dogs for the next 5 months.
JD - We really miss it - sigh.....! BUT - look at this new place that our female human found for us instead....
Max - ....pretty isn't it? And look what it opens out into!
JD - It's a great place to romp! Loads of room....
Max - ....and loads of fun doggies to play with!
JD - We'd like to introduce you to some more of our friends. There's a great little gang of Cairn terriers that we love to hang around with whenever they're there....
wait for each other to take first pick of the tennis ball!
JD - And here's Archie - isn't he lovely and smiley?
Max - He's a Spaniel and is happy all the time - he has a little docked tail and his cute nubbin is always wagging! His owner says if it was hooked up to a generator it could help solve the World's energy problem - he he he!
JD - Archie loves playing ball....
Max - ....and he always lets us play too! Isn't that nice of him?

JD - Archie's going into hospital next week to have an operation on his eyes because he doesn't see so well at the moment.
Max - We'd like to wish Archie all the best - we'll miss playing with you buddy whilst you recover, get well soon.
JD - This next photo we dedicate to Finn! This is our pal, Kyle the Alsatian....
Max - ....he's really handsome! He's a rescue doggie - his owner (who's sitting on the bench in the background) got him when he was three years old, he's now seven. He had been starved and was a walking skeleton when his new owner gave him a forever home - poor Kyle.
JD - But look at him now - he's stunning - and incredibly happy and social! Yay to his amazing owner who devoted all that time to care and nurse Kyle back to health and happiness. His owner told our female human that the second he saw Kyle he knew that this was an amazing doggie who just needed to be given a chance.
Max - We especially like him because he's kind enough to share his biscuits with us whenever we meet him - yum!
JD - Finally (for this post at any rate!) here's a photo of a very special young pup....
Max - ....this is Dillon, the Tibetian terrier - isn't he cute?
JD - So - that's it for our post today - we hope you enjoyed meeting some of our pals, we think they're great and we love it when we get to play together whenever we're out!
Find out what all the critters are up to at....

wow The new place for kidding is really cool! I loved it!
You got fabulous friends and make friends is wonderful!
Enjoy your weekend!
Purrs and love from Brazil
Luna ( and mommy Léia )
Wow, you two sure have been busy making new friends! Fun, fun, fun!!! I get to guest blog for Oskar next week too. We need to get together so we don't try to post our blogs on the same day!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Love ya,
O this is such a happy post of fun and games and socialising! You live in a great world!
What a great group of furiends! Have fun hosting over at Oskar's blog! :)
Hi Guys! What a great post... I loved meeting all of your friends and it looks like you have a nice big grassy area to run around in. Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you're having a nice weekend!
Your Pal,
Hi JD and Max! Nice post, what a fun group of friends you have to play with. Good luck for your operation Archie, we look forward to seeing you again nicely recovered in a future post! Nemo.
Looking forward to seeing you at Oskar's! I love Oskar. And his mom-person!
Whoa,so many friends to play with! So cool! Wish I was there playing along too! Thanks for sharing the photos with us...*grins*
What a wonderful group of friends! My neighbor friend Smokey had to go away. My mom said she'll be sleeping from now on, forever. I miss playing with her loads.
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