Max - We're the result of a change of lifestyle - how cool is that?!
JD - You're jumping ahead a bit Max....!
Max - Ooops - sorry!
JD - Anyway, for 22 years our female human worked in a place called 'the big smoke'. But our humans didn't live there because apparently it costs a lot of money to own a property there.
Max - It would cost many, many bags of doggie biscuits even for a tiny studio apartment - sheesh!
JD - And our humans liked the sea so much that they decided to live in a place on the coast which was 75 miles away from where our female human worked.
Max - This meant that she had to commute to work by train every day - 2 hours there, 2 hours back!
JD - Wow! That's a lot of train time! And that was on a GOOD day apparently, when the trains were actually running on time.
Max - Which we gather was sort of rare....
JD - ....she told us that as the train pulled away from the station every day she used to look out of the window into the passing fields at the folks walking their dogs and feel really envious. She would wonder what they did for a living and wish that she could do the same so that she could have time to have a dog.
Max - Now, our female human loved her job, but hated her lifestyle. She had to leave home at 6.00 am every day (frequently earlier when she had a very busy day scheduled) just to get into the office at a reasonable time, and 7.30 pm was usually the earliest she could get home. That's a long day....
JD - ....especially when you consider she also used to have a Crackberry....
Max -, don't you mean a Blackberry JD?
JD - He he! Well, that's the official name for it, but our female human told me she 'sold her soul' for the price of this gadget and now always refers to it as a 'Crackberry' because of its addictive nature. Our male human told me he used to think it would have to be prised out of her cold, dead hand as she was ALWAYS on it catching up with work e-mails when she was at home. She ran a global project you see, so would often receive e-mails from lots of far away places such as Beijing, Sydney, Bangkok, Jakarta - her global network covered 24 countries - at various times of the day and night - and always tried to respond to them the second they came in.
Max - She also used to work remotely at weekends and would also log onto her work account most evenings when she got home. She ended up hating what she was doing simply because she was 'left to it' with no support, recognition or help, which was a shame.
JD - Anyways, she had wanted a dog for a long time - many years - but knew that she would never have the time if she carried on doing what she was doing.
Max - But she was so involved in her job she didn't have the courage to walk away from it herself.
JD - And she didn't have the money to just up and leave either, she was in a difficult position.
Max - She used to say 'I'm not simply walking away - I've worked there too long, they can pay me off!'
JD - And then finally one day late last year - she got a call, THE call. Like so many others...
Max - ....she was called into a meeting room and told that due to the 'current financial climate' her job was 'at risk' and she was facing redundancy.

JD - She had seen many good friends where she had worked being laid off over the past 18 months and during each wave of redundancy she had hoped it would happen to her - and now it finally had!
Max - She told us that she felt a bit guilty because she had got what she wanted, but loads of people in the same position as her were devastated.
JD - But she had to be honest to herself. In fact she practically skipped out of the building!
Max - She rang our male human and he was so pleased that he booked a long holiday in Egypt for the two of them. They jetted off soon after and spent their time on the banks of the Nile, discussing what she would do next.
JD - Top of her list was to get a dog! But she was scared....
Max - ....she wanted to get a local job as she had already got a bit bored at home (humans are strange!) so was worried that if she got a dog straight away it might get in the way of job hunting. So she suggested getting a dog for when she turned two hundred and eighty years old in a few months time....
JD - ....but our male human knew that getting a puppy then - when she would probably be working again- would be bad timing. He wisely knew that if she wanted a dog she should get one whilst she had a bit of time on her hands. He also thought that if she took a bit longer than expected to get a job then having a dog would give her something else to focus on which could only be a good thing.
Max - So when they got back home, just before Christmas, they located a breeder of Miniature Schnauzers and were delighted to discover that they had just had a litter of 4 boys.
JD - They had never had a pet before so had done a lot of research. Our male human has allergies to pet hair so they needed a dog that didn't moult....
Max - ....and our female human is a little scared of large dogs so they needed a breed that was small-ish. She also wanted a breed that had quite a bit of energy as she likes running and being outdoors so wanted a dog that would be happy to join her. They decided upon Miniature Schnauzers - hooray!
JD - The day before they came to view us our female human told our male human that she wanted TWO dogs so they would be company for each other.
Max - He was a bit stunned! He has admitted that initially he wasn't too keen on getting any dog and was only doing it for her - humph! Of course, he's now smitten and denies all of this - he he he!
JD - So they came to view our family. Our female human sat on the floor at the breeders (sigh - we can't take her anywhere....he he he!) and I though 'oooh - comfy lap!' so wandered over, climbed up and settled down for a lovely snooze. So that was me chosen!
Max - Shortly after that it was meal time. Sigh.....I remember all that time ago - we used to get four meals a day - FOUR! Yummy!
JD - So our breeder got our meals ready - I was comfy so stayed where I was....
Max - ....whilst I started doing a pogo-stick impression against the cabinets to get first dibs on the food. Yummy - I used to love our puppy food....
JD - ....quite! But our male human was instantly impressed with you. He really liked your confidence and forthright nature so that was it - we had been picked!
Max - And what a relief! Because the next day the other two pups were chosen by two other families.
JD - Two days after we were chosen our female human had an interview for an office job that was based 5 minutes away from where she lived. 20 minutes after leaving the interview she was offered the job - she's convinced we're now her good luck charms!
Max - The job started two weeks after we were due to come home which was ideal. She told the folks that she was working with about us and arranged to come home every lunchtime to see us. She now gets a puppy-sitter on the days she's too busy to make it.
JD - Her job isn't permanent - but paws crossed it might become that way as she's really enjoying it.
Max - She's been there 5 months now, which means that we've lived here for 5 months and 2 weeks. Our female human sometimes walks us in the field where the railway runs in the mornings so she can wave at the train she used to take- he he he!
JD - She says that she can't believe how good life is now. She's now living the life she used to dream of when she gazed out of the train window every morning. When she worked in the 'big smoke' she says she never had time to appreciate her life, but now she says she's happier than she's been in a long, long time.
Max - And it's all because of us!
JD - Well, I think it's more because our female human has completely changed her lifestyle and now has a bit of time to actually appreciate and therefore enjoy her life!

Max - So that's the story of how- and why - we came to live where we do.
JD - We're so happy that our female human was made redundant, he he he!
Max - Yup! Because - as our female human says every day now - life sure is sweet! Just make sure you have enough time every day to really appreciate what you've got.
JD - We love that we remind her of the moment her life changed for the better - we feel extra special because of it!
What a beautiful story dear friends!
( By the mommy here is crying because she thinks it is really sweet!)
This is the life's lesson indeed! I also believe that one must live, not just "survive". That's why I praise so much my catnaps!
Great collages as well!
Purrs and love
Luna & cat family
Oh my goodness, Max & JD, your post has made my human's day because she knows EXACTLY how your human feels! Hsin-Yi also used to commute to London everyday and it also took her 2hrs to get to work and 2 hrs to get back (on a good day!). My humans lived in Oxford and she also hated the terrible trains...and especially a thing called The Tube which was always getting stuck somewhere called Edgeware Rd and she would have to get out and stand on a freezing platform...She also had to get up super early and didn't usually get home until 8pm...She was working for an "advertising agency" in London and she hated it but everyone kept saying that she was doing the "right" career thing and so lucky to be working in London, etc, etc...And just like your human, all she desperately wanted was a dog and she was always so envious of people she would see out walking their dogs!
Anyway, when my humans moved out to NZ, she vovwed that she would not get back on that Career Ladder thing - she said that the 'rat race' was not for her (well, of course, it's for rats, isn't it? not humans!) and that she didn't care if she isn't "fufilling her potential" like everyone kept telling her. She decided to do less important jobs which might pay less money paper but she gets to have more time to do the things she loves!
And of course, after she got me, she started to look for a way to work from home...and it was because of me that she found her way into becoming a freelance writer! So I'm her good luck charm too!
It's a good thing humans have us dogs to show them the way, huh?
Honey the Great Dane
...and they all lived happily ever after! Thanks for your life story!
your pal,
What a wonderful story. It's obvious that you 2 were SO wanted & obviously brought luck to your human. Double the schnauzers, double the fun, right boys?
Great to know a bit more about your family...thanks for sharing.
- Santa
Thank you fur sharing :)
Big licks to you
oh---i really relate to this story as it is pretty much my story too! we both got dogs only when it was right in our life and only when we had jobs that gave us the opportunity to be responsible pet owners. i am happy you finally got out of the first job--that was a crazy commute! you are in a wonderful place in your life huh? please stay there!
Hi JD & Max
Our mommy wishes your mommies story was her story. Hopefully someday soon.
You two are two lucky pups.
Love Ruby & Penny
Wow, great story!!! What did your Mom do before?? What fun to get to go to Egypt but even more fun that she added you two to the family. :) Guess what, I met a Schnauzer named Maggie this weekend and she was very cute and fun yet bossy! :) That's ok though. :)
Hi Max & JD,
Can't wait to hear all about your Mummy & Daddy - and see the photos, to see how alike you are! :-) Thanks for continuing my game! When you do your post about your Mummy & Daddy and how you found your humans, will you tag others to continue the game?
Honey the Great Dane
JD and Max! You are the cutest little guys I have ever seen. Mini Shnauzer's are the way to go! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post on how you came to be. It sounds like you have an incredible owner. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am adding you to my friends so I can keep in touch!
Kasha and Africa
JD and max, your story has hit me in the heart! I too used to look at people walking their dogs, as I drove off to my stressful job, and I said, as soon as I quit I will get a dog.
One day the job got just too stressful and I left. A year went by, and I began to enjoy life again but something was missing.
A puppy was missing! That was it!
I used to be a traveller. I love Britain, in particular, so I'll have to visit your blog regularly. But now I don't want to travel because I can't take Penny, my dog. Just this morning I walked with my sister and Penny and I said, how lucky are we to be able to do this?
I loved your story!
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