Max - ....I ran and ran all the way to the beach there from the car!!
JD - We LOVE the beach! We couldn't wait to get down there....
Max - We thought we would try our paws at stressing our humans by venturing a bit closer to the edge than was strictly necessary!!

Max - "What does that sign say JD?"
JD - "Um - 'do not climb on rocks' - I have NO idea what that means Max!"
JD - "Um - 'do not climb on rocks' - I have NO idea what that means Max!"
JD - We're secretly hoping that beautiful Sasha will see these photos and be impressed with how daring and brave we are......*blush!*

Max - ....because really - we were simply showing off for her!! *double blush!*
Woof! What a fun walk you guys had. You both are so brave to walk on the rocks!! I'm sure Sasha is impressed :)
Be careful! That looks very fun though.
Don't you get to play in the water? Yeah, I'm sure the humans must be freaking at your balancing act.
- Santa and Minnie
Gosh, boys
I think you're terribly brave to balance on the wall like that - I'm very impressed!
One day I hope to be that brave - until then I'll just have to practice running along the kerb.
Puppy kisses
hello schnauzers its dennis the vizsla dog hay i -- aaaaiiiieeee the oshun!!! run away!!!!
You're very brave to walk so close to the edge! I'm sure Sasha will be impressed ... how could she not be!
Wags, RockPuppy
You had fun on the beach,
we can see that :)
My mommy was yesterday also on the beach !!
I don't like the sand between my cat toes ;)
Have fun today....
Kareltje =^.^=
Fun adventure!!! Molly LOVES her walks to the beach ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
How happy does this dog look. Cute.
wow guys, you really are so lucky! You can go to the beach enjoying this fabulous spot, the sunny day, the fresh air, so many and different smells....and without leash!
And yes...what an adventure!
Happy camera Critters and a cool Sunday for you and your mommy and dad
Be always happy
love you guys
Awwwwwwwwwww, reminds me of my Dad's dog...Sophie!
My Critter is a bit buggy this week. Come see. Happy Saturday.
JD and Max -- looks like you had great fun scaring your people! I like the sea, too.
BEACH Can you get any luckier??!!
You guys are so brave and lucky! I've never been to the beach but Nellie says its the bestest! Can't wait!
Paws out~
Calvert & Nellie funny you two..causing a scare for your humans! hee hee
I do that at the front is always scared I'll chase a squirrel and run of...but of course I wouldn't do that...
I need those COOOOOOKIES!!!
What a fun the beach!
Paws Up!
Oh how cute JD and Maz. Looks like they were having fun at the beach. Good for them.
such an active gorgeous dog.
Hi lads - I was very pleased to see that Sasha was impressed with you. You are very darind and brave! BFN - Jimbo.
Hi Jd and Max
Your right! I'd be excited too! Nice balance work on the rocks. You are natural beach combers. Find any good things to eat?
Hi JD & Max
You guys are so very brave. Have fun, but do be careful.
Love Ruby & Penny
You did it! You impressed Sasha, you lucky dogs you!
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