Find out what all the critters are up to at Camera Critters!!
JD - We're having a great day today!
Max - Our female human took the day off work which meant we got to go for a walk a bit later than usual so we met up with a lot of our pals at the park.
JD - Here are some more photos of 'the Pied Piper of Holland Park' - he he he! Otherwise known as M, our lovely treat lady!
Max - We know we've shown a photo of her before, but we wanted to show you some more because we really love M!
JD - Loads of our pals were at the park today. We met up with our wonderful spaniel pal Archie. We love Archie - he's always so smiley!
Max - And here's Harry having a lovely roll. Ahhh - there's no better way to get those itches off your back is there?
JD - This is Scottie supervising me as we investigate a big twig.
Max - Scottie is the boss of our little gang and if any pup puts a paw out of place he lets us know he's not happy about it, he he he!
JD - Scottie is great - he's taught us some good lessons on puppy manners.
Max - Here's Stig - sometimes known as Stiglett! - who is a Jack Russell puppy and is a couple of months younger than us.
JD - Stig is a very confident puppy! He lives with his big brother Neo and big sister Ellie.
Max - Our humans only managed to get a photo of Ellie's bottom we're afraid - sorry 'bout that!
JD - Stig's big brother Neo adores tennis balls.
Max - His human says he is 'tennis ball obsessed' - he he he!
JD - And then there's Pippa....
Max - Pippa - *sigh!*
JD - Max has got it pretty bad for Pippa.
Max - Pippa is sooo pretty. And soooo intelligent! And she's soooo good at zoomies, and Pippa is.....
JD - See what I mean? Pippa dawdles a bit when she's out walking and Max just sits and stares mournfully after her. He refuses to continue with the walk unless Pippa's there, as you can see below (Pippa is the tiny spot in the distance!!)....
Max - Pippa - *sigh!*
JD - We had hoped to get a photo of Charlie, our Great Dane pal.
Max - But sadly he never seems to be there when our human takes her camera with her. We'll get a snapshot one day!
JD - Anyway, something very exciting did happen on today's walk - we met a new friend!
Max - Here he is - isn't he cute?
JD - He's a Huskie puppy called Ty and is only 11 weeks old!
Max - We were all amazed at how well behaved he was, especially since he is SO young!
JD - This was one of his first walkies ever - we were thrilled to be able to share it with him!!
Max - We hope we meet him again soon!
JD - It's been a great day so far - we're off for a nap now though....
Max - Yup! We're both a bit tired after all that excitement....!
Let’s Make A Deal!
4 hours ago
Oh wow...that was an interesting day! I love the "treat lady" too!!
- Santa and Minnie
Meowee! What an excellent day!
I truly wish I had a park like that that where I could play with friends.
I asked my mom person if we could go and play with you, but she said something about a big pond & shots & quarantines, so I guess it won't work.
awww u boys are so lucky... hehe...
Ty is so cute we couldn't believe our eyes! hehehe! and the tennis ball obsessed boy made us laugh as you caught him in the act of obsessing--hahahaha!!! you guys have lots of cool friends, i bet you had a great day!
Oh Max, you've got it bad for Pippa haven't you? That photo of you waiting so patiently for your girl is wonderful, so sweet. Puppy love is in the air! It's really great to see so many photos of so many dogs getting on so well together too - you are all so well socialised. Great post! :) Nemo.
You had all a SUPER day,
so many fun thats great =^.^=
Lovely post !!
I think that Harry has an edge on getting the treats first! He's quite handsome..
Aww Pippa..what a lovely story....
and you guys...are tooo much!
What a fun day...
Paws Up!
Herro Max and JD!
What a great bunch of fwiends you have!
Wow Max you're in love! But is Pippa worthy of your affections? I haven't been in love before - maybe one day...
Mr Darcy
This is a truly spectacular and fun post! That husky pup is really beautiful!
That new friend looks very nice! He can never be as nice as us though...
Looks like a fun walk with lots of friends.
Hi JD and Max. Nice to meet all your friends at that great park! Thanks for taking us along.
How wonderful!
What a lot of friends you've got, and what a great time you all had.
Looks like such a fun play date you both had. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
great great fun you are such lucky dogs sandy
i love all your dogs, especially their curly hairs. looks like they are all friends.
What a great place for a doggie playdate. Looks like they had lots of fun.
My first Critters, nice to meet you and your dogs.
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