Max - It's a fun place for proud owners to show off their pets - and if you own a pet why wouldn't you be proud of that fact?!
JD - So, for today's Pet Pride post our female human asked us to post some photos of our very first try at doggie agility as she said she was SO proud of how we did!
Max - Our humans went to 'Pets at Home' (a fabulous pet superstore) on Friday evening - we love it when they go there as they always bring really fun things back for us.
JD - This time they came in with lots of items - female human especially seemed to be extra excited and started babbling on to us about 'jumping' and 'running' and 'tunnels' ....
Max - ....she does get herself quite worked up sometimes. We tried to distract her by asking for a tummy tickles and then we had to step it up a bit and ask for a biscuit because she really was getting quite squeaky, but in the end we had to give her a 'time out' on the sofa until she was calm enough to interact with us again.
JD - So, when she had finally calmed down we were able to inspect what had been brought back for us.
Max - It was exciting! There was a pop-up tunnel....
JD - ....some weaving poles....
Max - and a lovely hurdle jump!
JD - Our humans want us to get used to agility training in a place we feel comfortable as they really want us to have fun with it.
Max - So yesterday they set it all up in the garden - and we were off!
JD - Some of these photos are not the best we're afraid - I was SO fast over the hurdle that I became a schnauzer blur!! Max had a bit of trouble with the hurdle....
Max - Humph - show off! It was HIGH - unlike you I'm only short!
JD - Anyway, here are a few photos of how it all went....

Max - "Look at me! Look at me! Have you ever before seen such great 'run-around-the-jump' agility and skill....?!!"

Max - "Wow - you're just a blur JD!"

JD - We really enjoyed the training session. After all, I'm really good at jumping so hey - if my humans want me to jump on a more formal basis and then give me a treat for doing this I'm not complaining!
Max - And I LOVED the tunnel! In fact, I was sooooo good at the tunnel that I managed to go both ways down it!
JD - Um, Max - I don't think that was really the point of the tunnel....
Max - Eh? Whassat?
Female Human - Hi! I just wanted to add a little post here myself. We don't seem to have any dog agility training classes close to where I live so I thought I'd try it out myself - I was therefore delighted to find a 'cheap and cheerful' set at the pet store. The boys loved it! I was pretty rubbish as showing them what to do so was amazed and delighted at how quickly they picked it up. I'm pretty sure they tell each other to "take it slow so that the dumb human gets it....!" We were all rather bad at the weave poles, but Max excelled at the tunnel and JD couldn't get enough of the hurdle!
Even though it was a home lesson I was thrilled at how this sort of training quickly builds a bond between human and dog - it's great to watch them figuring it all out and you can actually see the moment it 'clicks' into place for them! The photos above were taken when they were being introduced to the circuit - they feel more comfortable checking out new things when they're together. They did complete the course several times on their own as it's obviously easier to train them on an individual basis, but I think we had more fun when we were all doing it together!! We're definitely going to continue with it. I don't want to overdo it as I really want the boys to continue to find it fun, but it's certainly going to help with their obedience training and I'm hoping to add a few more items to our circuit - ooh, you know what, a see-saw would be fun.....!
JD and Max - Oh dear - female human is getting over-excited again! Sigh.....! Bye for now dear readers, we have to leave now to try to calm her down again - you know how these humans can get if you're not consistent with their training.....! Don't forget to join in with all the fun at Pet Pride - we've made some great friends there!

That is a great idea. We'd love something like that here because the pinkies don't have time to take us to agility and besides, there isn't one around here anyway.
We'll ask the nice people at the Petbarn next time we go.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Wow - great action shots JD! And cute close-up in the tunnel Max! You did great and seemed to pick it up really quickly. BFN - Jimbo.
You guys are so lucky! That looks way too fun! I think I'd like the tunnel too! Sometimes you can use your eyebrows like feelers.. to find your way! They're not just for good looks.
This agility training set would certainly be of great help here - chubby dogs around need to lose some pounds.
Congratulations on your performance JD and Max! Much love from Brazil.
That looks fun, we only do agility at home ourselves but it is definatley fun for both dawgs and humans.
Your tunnel is very long, we have one but it has not got the extra bit at the end. We will have to see if we can get one of those ones you have.
Have fun and thanks for sharing your pix, we love our time with our human when we do ours, we don't get everything right but it is fun! :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Oh, boys, I'm really impressed! On top of all your talents you happen to be also sportsmen, I mean, sportswoofies! I admire you more and more!
Purrs and love
Wow! Molly thinks this looks like fun, but what she REALLY thinks I should let her do is SPLASH DOG (something she's seen on television). Wish there was a local place I could take her or that I had a swimming pool she could train in.
Hugs and blessings,
wow, you guys did great for the agility training!!!
best regards
Agility looks like fun! I bet you'll both be great, and get lots of treats!
is this thier 1st try out in a agility field? Was it easy to have them complete the circuit?
Take that magnificent show on the road
Agility is great fun. My dog Oscar loves it too!
Hey, you guys are terrific! And I'm getting my two cents in while Mojo is taking a walk with her daddy! She won't let me write anything when she's here, thinks this whole blog is hers alone. I'd love to have a set up like yours and show everyone how I can jump!
Thanks for stopping by!
See ya later!
Sam Schnauzer
Good job! You gave your mommy quite a work out there.
Great work on the agility, guys! Don't worry about not getting the weave poles, those seem to be particularly tricky!
Agility looks fun. I think we would love it too!!
- Santa and Minnie
You have FUN
I can see that :)
Lovely action shots !!!
Very nice words for reading ....
kareltje =^.^=
What a L-O-N-G tunnel, you were very brave going down it. What a pity you don't have a club near you, although it's fun on your own, it's even more fun when there are lots of you.
Herro JD and Max!
How cool that you have agility in your back-yard! I bet all the pups in your neighbourhood are asking to come over!
I love that photo of you peaking out of the tunnel Max!
And weave poles are SO difficult arn't they? I get completely baffled when I try them :S
Mr Darcy
Hi lads - you two are quite the athletes aren't you? It looks like a good bonding session between you and your human and you seem to have picked it up very quickly - well done! Hope you got lots of treats for doing so well! :) Nemo
you guys did great!!
I'll be looking to see you on TV
Hi there JD & Max
Thank you for visiting my blog and introducing yourselves...its always nice to meetin new friends.
We are really impressed that you did that agility all on your own. JD&M seemed to really enjoy it.
Take care and lots of licks
Wow! That looks like so much fun!!! I can already jump through a hoop and do other tricks, but I think I would love to do that. I'll have to check with my girl to see if she can some agility stuff.
Wiggles, RockPuppy
Hi Jd and Max
Thought you were doing a birthday tunnel run for vodka! Yipee!
it looks fun to me... i havent got a chance to try all those!!
Ooh, my mom person says she's off to look for a set like that for me!!
I do have some serious news to report...I'm afraid the Scarlet Puppynickel has been here, to my house. I, too, have had to suffer the consequences for Puppynickel's evil doings!
Oh, how very, very cool!!! You boys did so well for first-timers - I can't believe it! And gosh - is that tunnel big or what? Whenever I've seen Agility tunnels, they always look really small (or maybe it's just relative to me - ha! ha!) - it looked like it practicallty swallowed you up, Max! :-)
Am so impressed with you boys - you must get some videos to show us! Isn't it great when humans find fun things to do together us? I think we are the luckiest dogs who have humans that do trainings and activitis with us!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I like the way you handled your human's over-excitement! :-)
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