Max - We were tagged by our good - and super-cool - cat pal Bruce to list 7 reasons why we're pawsome!
JD - But we thought we'd approach it slightly differently! As Pet Pride is a great meme - that is wonderfully hosted by Bozo - to focus on why people are so proud of their pets we thought we'd hand over to our female human and let HER tell everyone why we're so great!
Max - We thought it would be interesting to see why she thinks we're awesome, he he he!
Female Human - Hi everyone! I'm very honoured to be willingly handed the authorship of today's post - usually I have to sneak on covertly, ha ha! Anyway, I think my boys are simply brilliant so it was hard to narrow the list down to just 7 items. Anyway, after much soul searching here is my final list of why my boys are awesome!
1 - My boys are very social! They are confident and really enjoy meeting and playing with all dogs, both large....
JD excitedly meets Charlie (aged 7) his Great Dane pal! Also in this shot is Ben (aged 8) their Alsatian pal.
Charlie gives JD a friendly sniff whilst Max looks on a little jealously and Ben simply poses for the camera! JD is convinced that this photo shows him to be almost as tall as Charlie (*ahem!*) and that his ambition to grow as tall as a Giant Schnauzer is coming along nicely.....!
....and small!
I love watching dogs having a really good game of zoomies or tug....
....but she shows she's the wrestle-master and with a lightening-quick maneouvre she fllips JD onto his back!! can't beat that feeling you get when you watch a happy dog having fun! Dogs really do teach us to enjoy the simple things in life and not to focus so much on our troubles!
2 - I have made so many great friends as a result of my boys getting on so nicely with other dogs - they play with their pals and I chat with the owners! What a great and pleasurable way to meet like-minded people!
3 - My boys get on very well together. We realise that we're probably quite fortunate in this respect but they really do enjoy hanging out with each other....
JD - "What do you think Max? Do you think Pippa has been here yet?" Max - "Oh yes, that's DEFINITELY Pippa's gorgeous scent!!"
....and it's also great to see them snoozing together at the end of an enjoyable walk or training session!
Max - "That was a tiring round on the agility circuit just now wasn't it JD? JD?" JD - "zzzzzZZZZ!""
4 - My boys have great names! Max suits his name down to the ground as he is the more boisterous of the two and likes to push his boundaries 'to the Max!' Because of his extremely cheeky character he has earned a number of nicknames....
'Karate-pup' because one of the most common phrases in the house when he was very little was 'Max! OFF!', which was always followed by a snigger and the phrase 'Max ON! Max OFF!', a play on words from that now rather famous line from the Karate Kid - 'Wax on! Wax off!'.
'Maxidian Order' is his Sci-Fi name - we just like the sound of this! Have a guess where it originates from.....!
'Maximilian' is what he likes to be called at the park in front of Pippa, as he thinks it makes him sound posh!
'DJ Maxy Max!' when he's 'helping' my husband with his music equipment.
And then on the opposite end of the scale is our super-placid JD - which stands for 'Just Dog' - who is the most laid back dog I have ever met! He's like a 'surfer-dude-dog' and if he could speak we're sure his favourite word would be 'whatEVER!' He's only ever been called JD because, quite frankly, that's the only name that he needs - and our little guy is perfectly happy with this!
Getting to know your pets as they grow and develop their own personalities is such a wonderful feeling.
5 - They make excellent slippers!!
6 - Because of my boys I enjoy my surroundings more! Trying to find interesting walks for them has meant that I have come across some amazing places that I wasn't even aware of before I got them!
7 - And finally - until you have owned a dog (or a cat!) I reckon you will NEVER understand the concept of unconditional love. It is an amazing thing - my boys loved me and my husband from the day we brought them home. They trusted us immediately and put themselves completely in our hands - that is an incredible feeling!
JD and Max on their first ever walk! Even with all the exciting things happening all around them they still wanted to stay close and happily accepted all cuddles!
They are wonderfully affectionate - even if I simply pop out of the room for a couple of minutes their tails start wagging every time I come back in - it's wonderful to have another living being who is always so pleased and so excited to see you!
Female human catches a quick snooze on the sofa - and JD and Max happily join her! JD has cleverly worked out that when the humans are asleep they won't notice him breaking the 'no dogs on the furniture' rule!
They love to be near us - their favourite place is always asleep by our feet. Sometimes I even end up with a Schnauzer sitting on my feet when I'm in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil! 
JD - Aw, thanks female human! That was quite good....
Max - Yup - not bad at all! We might even let you post again at some point, he he he!
JD - We can now tag some of our pals to play this game too! We know a lot of you have already played, so we tag ALL of our blog pals who haven't, he he he!
Max - Yeah! We think all our pals are pawsome, but we'd like to know why YOU think you're pawsome too!
JD - Happy Pet Pride everyone! Don't forget to play too - it's great fun!
JD - But we thought we'd approach it slightly differently! As Pet Pride is a great meme - that is wonderfully hosted by Bozo - to focus on why people are so proud of their pets we thought we'd hand over to our female human and let HER tell everyone why we're so great!
Max - We thought it would be interesting to see why she thinks we're awesome, he he he!
Female Human - Hi everyone! I'm very honoured to be willingly handed the authorship of today's post - usually I have to sneak on covertly, ha ha! Anyway, I think my boys are simply brilliant so it was hard to narrow the list down to just 7 items. Anyway, after much soul searching here is my final list of why my boys are awesome!
1 - My boys are very social! They are confident and really enjoy meeting and playing with all dogs, both large....
....and small!

I love watching dogs having a really good game of zoomies or tug.... can't beat that feeling you get when you watch a happy dog having fun! Dogs really do teach us to enjoy the simple things in life and not to focus so much on our troubles!

2 - I have made so many great friends as a result of my boys getting on so nicely with other dogs - they play with their pals and I chat with the owners! What a great and pleasurable way to meet like-minded people!

3 - My boys get on very well together. We realise that we're probably quite fortunate in this respect but they really do enjoy hanging out with each other....
....and it's also great to see them snoozing together at the end of an enjoyable walk or training session!
4 - My boys have great names! Max suits his name down to the ground as he is the more boisterous of the two and likes to push his boundaries 'to the Max!' Because of his extremely cheeky character he has earned a number of nicknames....
'Karate-pup' because one of the most common phrases in the house when he was very little was 'Max! OFF!', which was always followed by a snigger and the phrase 'Max ON! Max OFF!', a play on words from that now rather famous line from the Karate Kid - 'Wax on! Wax off!'.
'Maxidian Order' is his Sci-Fi name - we just like the sound of this! Have a guess where it originates from.....!
'Maximilian' is what he likes to be called at the park in front of Pippa, as he thinks it makes him sound posh!
'DJ Maxy Max!' when he's 'helping' my husband with his music equipment.
And then on the opposite end of the scale is our super-placid JD - which stands for 'Just Dog' - who is the most laid back dog I have ever met! He's like a 'surfer-dude-dog' and if he could speak we're sure his favourite word would be 'whatEVER!' He's only ever been called JD because, quite frankly, that's the only name that he needs - and our little guy is perfectly happy with this!
Getting to know your pets as they grow and develop their own personalities is such a wonderful feeling.
5 - They make excellent slippers!!

6 - Because of my boys I enjoy my surroundings more! Trying to find interesting walks for them has meant that I have come across some amazing places that I wasn't even aware of before I got them!
7 - And finally - until you have owned a dog (or a cat!) I reckon you will NEVER understand the concept of unconditional love. It is an amazing thing - my boys loved me and my husband from the day we brought them home. They trusted us immediately and put themselves completely in our hands - that is an incredible feeling!
They are wonderfully affectionate - even if I simply pop out of the room for a couple of minutes their tails start wagging every time I come back in - it's wonderful to have another living being who is always so pleased and so excited to see you!

JD - Aw, thanks female human! That was quite good....
Max - Yup - not bad at all! We might even let you post again at some point, he he he!
JD - We can now tag some of our pals to play this game too! We know a lot of you have already played, so we tag ALL of our blog pals who haven't, he he he!
Max - Yeah! We think all our pals are pawsome, but we'd like to know why YOU think you're pawsome too!
JD - Happy Pet Pride everyone! Don't forget to play too - it's great fun!

Join in the fun at Pet Pride....

Boys, it was really great to read about your pawsomeness today! The pictures are amazing! I'm happy to hear you have so many friends ( I loved the picture of JD and Stig!!! It's so cute!) in your town. There aren't many dogs allowed to play outside in our area.
I also loved to discover what JD stands for (always wanted to ask!)!! He's another cute dog in an only house!!
Sooo funny the Schnauzer slippers photo! And the one rock climbing, at the beach... You have a great life, boys. I'm really touched by your human's final words and I totally agree with her. Pets do love their owners more than anything or anybody else. And the thing with wagging tales everytime they see us, it makes me feel really loved and missed.
This post was great! Much love for you and your family. Kisses from Brazil. =*
Great pictures and by any chances JD means Jack Daniels? Hehe, am really impress with Max and JD wwalking wihtout leash and remain in your sight. Any tips for that? For Lex he is not that motivated to walk around, seems to be scare of the surroundings. Last but not the least JD and Max are good in exploring new walk sites?
This is how I rate this post...
Thank you for this AWESOME post on why you think your boys are AWESOME...I think you're pretty AWESOME too! Now, I just want you to know that I have given you a new award so you'll have to drop by to see what it is. Have a great day!
your friend,
Bruce the cat:)
They are great in every way - that I see sandy
You two are pretty awesome!!! We like how you play with all the other woofies! And how you make good slippers! That was really fun!!
You are two lucky boys!! And we are two lucky girls...our humans love us the way yours do. Oh yes, we love your beach combing, rock climbing and socialising in the park.
- Santa and Minnie
You guys are the greatest! And you sure do have a lot of fun! I wish I could play with you and, boy, would that make Mojo mad! Hee hee and I would love that!
Have fun!
Sam Schnauzer and Mojo the Most
Yeah we agree - you can be really proud of your boys! Not only are they sociable but really good looking too! We loved all those 'Max' derivatives. We use them too:
Slobberdog Maxovich
Max-wax etc
Lovely pictures, by the way.
Lots of licks
You are very awesome :)))))
Amazing shots & great post ....
What a wonderful happy post, we loved your list. You two have a lovely family life and your human's obviously adore you both..:-))
Holly & Zac...XX
Hi, dear JD and Max's mommy! You humans are very lucky to have our love, aren't you? :) Your boys are really great friends!
purrs and love
they are pawsome!!
and incredibly sweet
It's just so lucky that we all have such people who love us!
I agress with everything your mom person said!
Meowee! So much awesomeness. Congratulations on your award!
I agree 100%.. we bring alot of joy to our humans. I really liked the Max on Max off karate moves.. hee hee. and the slippers. I wish I had a pair.
A brillant post and we concur 100%.
Some great photos and explanations there as to why pets are so important.
Good on you boys for letting your Mom do a post!
lots of woofs
This was a great post and some awesome photos JD and Max's female human. :)
It is great that humans and canines get along so well - we were made for each other.
Wags, RockPuppy
Hi friends,
I wish I were with you we could have fun together.
My friends can be met in the park near the biggest smimming pool in Troyes.
Awesome! Very nice read-up. =pp
Lovely pictures! It's so nice to see JD & Max getting along really well - they are just like twins!
Can't agree with you more!! There's only JOY - from the moment we bring the dogs back home. Not only did they teaches us how to enjoy the simple things in life and not to focus so much on our troubles, they too taught us how to love unconditionally, w/o asking for anything in return. Perhaps, just some treats & tummy rubs? LOL^^
Thru them, i've met several nice owners & became great friends too. We even have our own 'schnauzer gang' & we meets up pretty often =)
"Schnauzers are like potato chips, you can't have just one!" (",)
Serene (Ebi & Emma)
Dear Max and JD,
You chappies are SO PAWSOME!
Sociable, cuddly, loyal, adventurous, confident, warm, and individual!
And I bet you know you look incredibly handsome together~!
Mr Darcy guys are pawsome!!...couldn't agree more to your pawrents was saying that having me is one of the best thing that happens to them.
J D and Max
Can I have your autograph? I saw your tweet- being recognized for your bloggie. How pawsome is that!
hey guys you sure have an awesome human to match you pawsome guys!
Pet Pride
Aww..what a great story about LOVE.
I think this was very heartwarming and just about the best story of two Schnauzers around!!
You two are awesome..and your mom/person...she knows you sooo well..loved the names you have been given.
I have a collection of my own too!
Paws Up!
Oh Max & JD - I'm just so excited to see your photos with Charlie the Dane at last! He is a beauty, isn't he? How old is he? You don't see many blue Danes around...harlequin seems to be really popular or fawns like me!:-)
JD - I do think you are definitely inching upwards towards Charlie's shoulders...I certainly wouldn't be surprised if you did grow into a giant schnauzer one day!! :-)
Oooh - this is such a lovely post and my human just loved reading all the things your human said because she agreed with everything she said! Like the bit about hunting for interesting walks has really opened her eyes to what's available around her and made her appreciate nature more...she never thought she'd get so much pleasure from just exploring a new park with me!
That picture of you boys sleeping on the sofa with your female human had me in stitches - especially the way JD was being so good whilst Max had sneaked up on the sofa! Ha! Ha! It's so wonderful to see the differences in personality between you boys, even though you're the same breed - and from the same litter! Just goes to show that half of those 'breed generalisations' are all rubbish! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
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